
The early years spent at school are arguably the most critical school years for the development of personality, intellect and character. Habits and values developed in these formative years will have a significant influence on later learning.

At Mosman Prep, we consider every aspect of a boy’s development in an atmosphere of personal support, structure and clear boundaries. Academic excellence is sought, but so too are creative, artistic, musical and sporting achievements. 

Mosman Prep builds on the Christian worldview to cultivate solid foundations of character defined by inner confidence, humility and self-awareness. We see the spiritual development of each boy as essential to a comprehensive and purposeful education. Boys are provided with a Christian education and encouraged to live out the essential Christian message in their everyday lives.

Mosman Preparatory School has an outward-looking focus. Community based projects are a regular feature of school life for older boys. In every way we try to increase each child's awareness of the richness of the wider world outside the boundaries of the School and give them a strong sense that they can make a difference by their own actions. Most of our boys will go on to hold important roles in the community, so developing leadership skills and the ability to work cooperatively together are valued components of school life.

The curriculum of the School is approved by the NSW Board of Studies but is adapted for the needs of young boys. In terms of teaching practice as a staff, we are constantly involved in reflecting on how best to motivate and engage young boys and teach to their point of need.

Boys from Kindergarten to Year 6 enjoy the benefits of additional staff with teaching assistants, and Literacy and Numeracy specialists, supporting the academic program. We are proud to be specialists in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Music, Visual Arts, STEM, Mandarin and Christian Studies, all of which provide a rich array of learning experiences to complement the outstanding choice of sport and extracurricular opportunities.

Our team of specialist teachers also provide personalised learning programs for gifted students as well as those in need of additional support. With a focus on pastoral care, we aim to spark joy and a sense of pride in each boy as they progress their academic, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development.

Explore the opportunities available to your son here.
